Meet Our Teachers
Our teachers are among the best in the world in their field. Learn more about them.
Gus de la Querra
Bodywork Practitioner and Sports Therapist
James Dohn
Chiropractor and Life Coach
James Oschman
Teacher, researcher and writer
Jane Langston
Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy Practitioner, Teacher, Author
Jean Marc Degioanni
Naturopath and Nutritionist
Jeannie Kelley
Structural Integration and Bodywork Practitioner
Jeffrey Burch
Certified Advanced Rolfer, Visceral Manipulation Teacher, and Cranial Therapist
Jill Miller
Movement and Anatomy Teacher
Jo Wortley
Bowen Therapist
Joanna Watters
Teacher and Retreat Facilitator
Joanne Avison
Yoga, Anatomy, Biotensegrity
Joanne Elphinston
Movement Expert and Author