Jo Wortley

United Kingdom

Bowen Therapist

Jo Wortley is based in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. She was first introduced to Bowen in 2001 when she sustained a back injury following the birth of her first child. She was so blown away with the dramatic improvement, that in 2002 she decided to train to become a therapist. During her Bowen career, Jo has raised three sons, established a busy Bowen clinic, a children’s clinic, and has been the Children’s Clinics Co-ordinator and Committee member for Bowen Therapy Professional Association.

In 2015 Jo began teaching Fascia Bowen CPD workshops, having developed the work of Howard Plummer. In 2016 she was asked to join the College of Bowen Studies as a Tutor. Jo now has a successful teaching career, alongside a thriving therapy clinic.

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