Katherine Ukleja


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist


Katherine has been a practitioner for 30 years and one of a small band of leading international teachers of Craniosacral Therapy for the past 25 years, spreading the biodynamic model across Europe, the US and Australasia.

Her entrée into the field of manual medicine was via massage and osteopathy. But it was Craniosacral Therapy that beguiled her. Here was a model that encompassed the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of the human condition. It would become her vocation and life’s work.

Katherine gained her cranial qualification at the Karuna Institute under the inspirational guidance of Franklyn Sills, a world leader in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, at whose side she taught for fifteen years. As an educator, Katherine has enjoyed a long association with a number of leading schools affiliated to the IABT, in particular the Da-Sein Institut in Switzerland.

Katherine’s principal fields of expertise are embryology and the blueprint forces that maintain cohesion at the cellular level; the viscera as the seat of emotional intelligence, and aspects of neurology with particular relevance to biodynamic practice, such as the social nervous system, the cranial nerves and the enteric network. All of these are underpinned by an embodied familiarity with the multifaceted Potency of the Breath of Life.

For her, the biodynamic approach is the most potent way of returning the intricate organism, that is a human being, to the state of emergence that is the signature of optimal health.

Webinars with Katherine

Courses with Katherine

‘Something Happens’ – Transformation in Craniosacral Therapy

Three Hour Live Course with Katherine Ukleja 28 May 2022 at 15 – 18h UK time

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