Treating Myofascial Pain
This series of three two-hour lessons covers:
Why consider myofascial trigger points in the treatment of chronic and acute myofascial pain?
What is tensegrity/biotensegrity and why is it important?
“X” does not mark the spot
Palpation techniques-skin drag, thermal palpation, thumb and digital neuromuscular techniques, integrated osseofascial inhibition technique (IOIT)
Considering the cellular level
From micro to macro
- A new hypothesis concerning the genesis of the myofascial trigger point
A clinical anatomist’s point of view
Central versus attachment myofascial trigger points (primary versus secondary myofascial trigger points)
Standards and guidelines
Risks and cautions in myofascial trigger point treatments


Part I
Science and Research - Theory Concerning the Genesis of Myofascial Trigger Points
- Contraction: Pulling it all together – A new hypothesis concerning the pathophysiology and aetiology of myofascial trigger points
- Tensegrity
- What it is and why it matters
- Biotensegrity
- Living tensegrity
- Organic tensegrity
- Biotensegrity and myofascial pain – Why and where it hurts
- Ruling out visceral pain
Part II
Central Sensitisation and Control of Perpetuating Factor
- Pain is a liar
- The ten key aspects to symptom management
- Initiating, aggravating, and perpetuating factors
- A few words about dietary influences
- Locating and treating myofascial trigger points – “X” does not mark the spot

Part III
Anatomical and Palpatory Excellence
- General standards and guidelines before, during and after treatment
- Risks, cautions and contraindications in myofascial trigger point treatment
- Hands-on assessments to locate the myofascial trigger point
- Therapeutic interventions to effectively treat myofascial trigger points
Watch Course Introduction

John Sharkey is a clinical anatomist, exercise physiologist, founder of European Neuromuscular Therapy (ENMT) and a recognized authority in the treatment of myofascial pain. John has been a senior tutor with Ireland’s National Training Centre (NTC) delivering courses in touch therapies and health related human movement studies integrating tensegrity principles into the courses since 1985.
Join John as he explains tensegrity-based concepts that lead to effective touch therapy interventions which are safe, effective and restorative.
If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact us.