Structural Integration is not Massage

Structural Integration is not Massage

with Dr Jim Dohn

Manual therapy allows for meaningful rapport between therapist and client. The bodyworker’s willingness to self-disclose will provide the safety for the client to open up as well and discover during the sessions what they have forgotten or kept unconscious for most of their life.

This one hour presentation by Structural Integrator Dr Jim Dohn will cover an abbreviated dialogue together with an overview of movement procedures of Hellerwork Structural Integration divided into eleven steps:

1. “Inspiration” – Balancing of the rib cage over the pelvis

2. “Standing on your own two feet” – Being fully grounded

3. “Reaching out” – Creating side support and balancing in gravity

4. “Control and Surrender” – Relaxing the pelvic floor as the base for the core

5. “The Guts” – Beginning of visceral release and psoas core muscles

6. “Holding Back” – Releasing held tensions in the back from heels to cranium

7. “Losing your head” – Balancing cranium over torso, releasing neck and cranial tension

8. “The Feminine” – Releasing rotations in the lower body

9. “The Masculine” – Releasing rotations in the upper body

10. “Integration” – Facilitating full body connectedness in all movements

11. “Completion” – Empowering and directing client to whatever is next in maintaining health and balance

Enjoy this interesting demonstration.

Please click the image above to view the video.

James Dohn

Chiropractor and Life Coach

James Dohn, D.C., is dedicated to helping people through Chiropractic, Structural Integration and Life Coaching. He is committed to providing drug-free, primary family health care. Dr Dohn’s goal is to have his patients live life to the fullest, free from pain and completely functional. Read more…
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