Deane Juhan
United States
Craniosacral Therapist, Author and Instructor
Deane Juhan may be best known as the author of Job’s Body: A Handbook for Bodywork – which many consider the essential text on the means, methods, uses, and deeply personal applications of what has come to be known as “bodywork” – a vast, sophisticated series of modalities and techniques that take movement therapy and education to the level of personal transformation at its greatest expression, profound emotional release and reintegration at its most basic core.
First trained at Esalen, he developed a private practice and led workshops in movement therapy and education as well as seminars in anatomy and physiology for bodyworkers. In 1976 he met Dr. Milton Trager, founder of the Trager Institute for Psychophysical Integration, and has been a practitioner and instructor of the TRAGERWork® approach ever since. He is on the faculty of the Northern California Trager Institute and has developed a series of workshops in dynamic anatomy and in Trager® Bodywork for bodyworkers and therapists of all kinds, which he conducts all over the United States, in Canada and in Europe.