The Functional Anatomy and Treatment of the Pelvic Muscles and Low Back

with Deane Juhan

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Muscular holding patterns in the pelvis and low back also greatly inhibit the free movement of the sacrum and prevent its rhythmic participation of the craniosacral pumping mechanism.

We are happy to welcome Deane Juhan with this introduction to his  three part course
during which he describse the movement dynamics and holding patterns of this area and presents easy to use approaches for their release.

The course covers the skeletal and muscular anatomy of the pelvic girdle and lumbar spine and the posture, movement and holding patterns in those areas together with demonstrations of treatment approaches.

Find out more about Deane’s course.

Deane Juhan

Craniosacral Therapist, Author and Instructor

Deane Juhan may be best known as the author of Job’s Body: A Handbook for Bodywork – which many consider the essential text on the means, methods, uses, and deeply personal applications of what has come to be known as “bodywork”  Read more…

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