Robert Libbey
Massage Therapist
Robert Libbey has been a registered massage therapist (RMT) for over twenty-six years and an educator for over twenty years.
At the beginning of his career, Robert recognized that many of his patients were describing pain referral patterns that did not conform to established central or peripheral neuropathies or Travell trigger point patterns. His investigations led him to research documenting ligament pain referral patterns. He compiled the descriptions of the referral patterns for the axial and appendicular spine and created new vibrant images. During this time Robert also researched Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique to better provide treatment to patients suffering with ligamentous joint tissue injuries and conditions.
Robert instructs Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique globally and through online education. Robert believes therapists and clinicians have a great opportunity to improve their patients’ quality of life. He has always felt that understanding of the ligamentous articular system has been insufficient. Robert’s desire is to create greater awareness of this system’s role in neuro-musculoskeletal injuries and disorders and provide information that will enhance therapists’ and clinicians’ capacity to help their patients.
Robert maintains a full-time practice while he continues investigating, developing, training, and educating clinicians around the globe.