Wellness and Stress Management - a role for Bowen Therapy

with Margaret Spicer

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Whilst Bowen is traditionally seen as a musculoskeletal soft tissue therapy, it can be used for a truly holistic therapy approach which addresses not only physical body and all its systems, but also the client’s emotional, mental and spiritual concerns.

Margaret Spicer (Australia) has been a Bowen therapist for nearly 30 years. In this masterclass, Margaret shows how the Mind Body Bowen aspects can help clients to access their ‘inner doctor’ through the release of emotions and memories held in the tissues of the body.

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Margaret Spicer

Bowen Therapist

Margaret Spicer has been Bowen therapist for 25+ years and a passionate Bowenwork Instructor since 2000. She describes her own personal journey with Bowen as inspiring. Read more…

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