Embodied Speech Course introduction
with Nick Totton

It is a very common idea in therapy circles that language and the body are somehow opposed: that our embodied experience cannot really be spoken about, but remains beyond or outside words. But although the embodied experience may often be difficult to describe adequately in words, doing so is not only possible but of great value since to do so we need to be deeply connected with our bodies.
Helping our clients to try and render experience into language is of great importance for practitioners who work with the body. This webinar is the introduction to a three part course with Nick Totton on Embodied Speech. In the course, Nick teaches participants to distinguish reliably between ‘full’ and ’empty’ speech, between words coming from throat and mouth and an expression grounded in the body.
Join Nick as he gives us an overview of his course and introduces us to the concept of ‘full’ and ’empty’ speech.
Nick Totton
Body Psychotherapist
Nick has been working as a therapist, supervisor, trainer and workshop leader since 1981, having trained originally as a Reichian bodywork therapist. He then completed an MA in Psychoanalytic Studies; trained (but doesn’t practice) as a cranio-sacral therapist; attended a number of seminars in Process Oriented Psychology; and developed his own integrative approach to psychotherapy. Read more…