Carol Davis
United States
Clinician, Consultant and Lecturer
Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA is Professor Emerita and immediate past Vice Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Miami Florida. She is also a clinician in active clinical practice, primarily treating patients with cervical and lumbar spine pain utilizing energy-based manual therapy, myofascial release, along with exercise.
Her areas of scholarly interest include investigating sustained release myofascial release as a manual therapy to assist in reducing pain and restoring cellular health, and educating students in the affective domain, particularly in professional interactions in health care, ethics, empathy, using the self as a therapeutic presence with patients. In addition she is interested in reading and translating for broad understanding the essentials of quantum physics and electromagnetism and how sub atomic particles affect our physiology and cellular function by way of the fascial web.
Dr. Davis has traveled to several countries as a consultant in these two main areas of her interest, and has received many honors. She has been recognized in Canada as the first Helen Saarinen Lecturer at McMaster University and in the United States by the American Physical Therapy Association as a Catherine Worthingham Fellow – the highest honor that a physical therapist can receive by this professional organization.