Bowen Revision Workshop SP1 - 2

Welcome to this revision workshop with John Wilks

SBP1 – Additional TMJ, Coccyx oblique, Straight up the Leg


Wokshop Structure

The workshops will begin with some theory and cover the anatomy about the procedures being practiced, followed by a practical demonstration on a live body in the studio. This will be filmed in such a way that the positioning of the practitioner’s hands and the position of the client will be super clear. There will be at least 2 camera feeds so that students can choose which video feed to look at on zoom.

Following the demonstration, students will go away and practice for half an hour in breakout rooms. You will need someone to work on for this part. During this time John will visit you virtually to clarify and clear up any confusion or questions. Following the practice, we will come together for questions.

Workshop Sessions

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