The Window of Tolerance


In this masterclass John Wilks explores the ‘Window of Tolerance’ (also known as the Functional Range or Optimal Arousal Zone). This is the space in which a person’s levels of arousal match their ability to deal with the situation. Exceeding this space leads to stress and the therapist’s ability to ascertain how much the client can comfortably integrate is critical for a beneficial outcome of the treatment session.


How often do we feel we might have gone on with a session beyond what a client can take? Maybe we have given them too much information, said something which might have overwhelmed them (for example an opinion about their condition), just done too much work on them or worked on an area that was over-stimulating for them?

In this masterclass John Wilks explores the ‘Window of Tolerance’ (also known as the Functional Range or Optimal Arousal Zone). This is the space in which a person’s levels of arousal match their ability to deal with the situation. Exceeding this space leads to stress and the therapist’s ability to ascertain how much the client can comfortably integrate is critical for a beneficial outcome of the treatment session.

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