Understanding Inflammation


with Jeffrey Burch

In our practices clients often arrive describing inflammation in their bodies but these situations are highly various and sometimes challenging to assess.

Given the complexity of inflammation, and the incomplete state of our knowledge It is easy to see why there are frequent misunderstandings and disagreements about what inflammation is and how to management it.

Jeffrey Burch has gathered information about and worked with inflammation for a few decades and in this live webinar, will share his insights . We will hear how inflammation can be a ‘good thing’, how we can look for the sources of inflammation, the distinction between inflammation and pain as well as treatment approaches.


In our practices clients often arrive describing inflammation in their bodies but these situations are highly various and sometimes challenging to assess.

Given the complexity of inflammation, and the incomplete state of our knowledge It is easy to see why there are frequent misunderstandings and disagreements about what inflammation is and how to management it.

Jeffrey Burch has gathered information about and worked with inflammation for a few decades and in this live masterclass he shares his insights . We hear how inflammation can be a ‘good thing’, how we can look for the sources of inflammation, the distinction between inflammation and pain as well as treatment approaches.

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