Polyvagal Principles for the Touch Therapist – Course


How do we as touch practitioners become an anchor of safety when our clients are unreceptive to best practice interventions?

In this course, you will learn how to transfer adaptive responses to touch and help your clients move from survival states to an experience of safety thus increasing therapeutic effectiveness of your modality.

How do we as touch practitioners become an anchor of safety when our clients are unreceptive to best practice interventions?

Polyvagal Theory explains the crucial role the autonomic nervous system plays in the process of recovery, restoration and healing. Adaptive survival states in our clients can greatly impact our therapeutic effectiveness.

In this course, you will learn how to transfer receptive responses to touch and help your clients move from survival states to an experience of safety. You will create your personal touch map, discover a foundational language for creating safety and learn how to navigate moments of rupture.

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