
Integrative Treatment of Ligamentous Shoulder Injuries – Course-Membership

£99.00 / year

Learn how the capsulo-ligamentous tissues are involved in shoulder injuries and subsequent problems, why ligaments are considered sensory organs and how the brain is involved in the pain experience.

This course is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the different aspects involved in shoulder pain as well as practical guidance for treatment.

A Development Course for Manual Therapists

Shoulder injuries and conditions are a common complaint in our clients but they are not necessarily easy to treat. New scientific insight tells us that the human body is an asymmetrical and non-linear feedback system that requires an integrative approach for best results.

Learn how the capsulo-ligamentous tissues are involved in shoulder injuries and subsequent problems, why ligaments are considered sensory organs and how the brain is involved in the pain experience.

This course is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the different aspects involved in shoulder pain as well as practical guidance for treatment.

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