Vicky Wright
United Kingdom
Craniosacral Therapist and Movement Teacher
Vicky Wright is a Craniosacral therapist, Structural integration practitioner, and movement teacher in physical theatre. She blends therapeutic practices of the body, across into the arts, theatre, mask & movement..
Originally studying with Liz Stewart & Tom Wing at The Guild of Structural Integration, Colorado, she discovered parallels across into theatre practices used to train performers in physical awareness and non-verbal communication.
Becoming a performer and mask-maker from Helikos International School of Theatre Creation, Italy with Giovanni Fusetti, she studied the essentials of human movement through the physical theatre of Jacques Lecoq.
Later becoming a biodynamic Craniosacral practitioner, she integrates this knowledge of the body, its many levels and processes of the healing throughout her work. Beneath these many disciplines lies the innate wisdom of the body found within creativity, expression and deep connection with the world around.
Vicky has a private therapeutic practice in London & is a Tutor at The Craniosacral Therapy Education Trust. Alongside, she runs Making Faces Theatre, a mask theatre company offering workshops in mask and movement.