"How May I Help You?"

with Nir Esterman

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Helping people is at the core of being a therapist, a practitioner, a coach or a facilitator. What position do we unconsciously take when we choose or agree to help? Who should support our client, and how? How do we handle clients who come with issues we, or our dear ones, also suffer from?

The Family Constellations perspective on helping offers a thoughtful and deep approach to understanding our roles as helpers, what supports our clients and our ability to help them. In the webinar, Nir Esterman discusses how our desire to help relates to our own issues and to how we were supported by our parents and family. He shows ways to support both ourselves in our role as helpers as well as our clients.

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Nir Esterman

Therapist and Teacher

Nir is a teacher and facilitator of Family/Systemic Constellations and of Shadow Work and works individually and in groups. He leads workshops and trains facilitators and therapists in Systemic and Shadow work. Read more…

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