Dr. Kathy Dooley
United States
Chiropracter and Anatomy Instructor
Dr. Kathy Dooley is a chiropractor, practicing within Catalyst SPORT, the gym she co-owns in midtown Manhattan, NY. Dr. Dooley is an anatomy instructor at two New York City medical schools, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Weill Cornell Medical College. She is an adjunct professor at New York University’s College of Dentistry. She is a visiting professor for Saint George’s University Medical School in Grenada, West Indies, and she assistant instructs in the gross anatomy lab at New York College of Podiatric Medicine. She is also a lead instructor for the seminar series, NeuroKinetic TherapyTM.
Eager to learn more about Eastern Medicine, she is currently enrolled in New York’s Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in the Master’s program for Acupunc ture and Herbology. She writes daily for her own website, drdooleynoted.com. She is also a reviewer for the scientific journal, Clinical Anatomy. She holds the following certifications: Active Release Technique (ART), NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKTTM), Motion Palpation Institute (MPI), Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC), StrongFirst (SFG), Certified-Kettlebell Functional Movement Specialist (CK-FMS), and Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA).