Integrative Treatment of Ligamentous Shoulder Injuries
A Development Course for Manual Therapists

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In this course you will learn:
how ligamentous tissues get injured and what the real acute to chronic timeline looks like
- what ligamento-muscular reflex and referral patterns are and their significance for your practice
the meaning of DIM’s and SIM’s and why the way you talk to your clients about pain influences the healing outcome
about the concept of the ‘7 Effects of Treatment‘
ẁhat the 5 questions are every client wants you to be able to answer
treatment techniques for the ligaments and muscles involved in shoulder pain


Biological Implications of Shoulder Injuries and Conditions
In this first course lesson, we look at the sensory and mechanical properties of the tissues. We discuss how ligamentous tissues become injured, their healing process, NEW timelines for acute to chronic, neurological innervation, ligamento-muscular reflex and referral patterns.
The treatment section consists of assessment and treatment of the:
- Anterior Cervical Fascia
- Costcoclavicular Ligament
- Upper Mediastinum
- Anterior / Posterior Sternoclavicular Ligaments
We end the course discussing the “7 Effects of Treatment” and changing the therapists’ perspectives of how they view themselves as manual therapists.
Brain and Pain
This lesson introduces the topic of pain by looking at the most current research and how we can use this information to our advantage to enhance our treatment outcomes,and improve the quality of life of our patients.
You will gain an understanding of DIM’s and SIM’s, how a patients’ thoughts can lead to imprecise perspectives pertaining to rehab, and why it is not just about what you do but how and what you say that impacts your clinical outcomes.
The treatment section consists of assessment and treatment of the:
- Subclavius
- Corocoid Ligaments
- Pectoralis Major
- Pectoralis Minor / Coracobrachialis / Short Head Biceps
We end the course discussing the “Top 5 Questions” patients want you to be able to answer.

Case Studies
Case studies are presented which are intended to help you gain an understanding of the impact that pain, dysfunction, communication, therapists terminology and explanatory narratives play on a patients’ perspectives, thoughts, beliefs and expectations.
The treatment section consists of assessment and treatment of the:
- Long Head Biceps
- GH Capsule
We will end the course reviewing the 7 Effects of Treatment, the Top 5 Questions patients want answered and reflecting on our actions moving forward.
Watch Course Introduction

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Robert Libbey has been a registered massage therapist (RMT) for nearly three decades and an educator for over twenty years. He teaches Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique world-wide.
Join Robert as he introduces us to the various aspects and applications of this technique for the treatment of the shoulder.
If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact us.