Energy Medicine And The Science Behind It

Energy Medicine And The Science Behind It

with Dr James Oschman

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Most manual therapy modalities make use of energy techniques of one kind or another, be it overtly or underlying. Insight into the relationship between energy, matter and the body can make the practitioner’s work more effective and opens up our awareness of living systems and the healing process.

Dr. Jim Oschman (USA) is one of the pioneers of Energy Medicine. In this presentation, Jim takes us on a journey through the developments of Energy Medicine and its application in the fields of sports, performance, fascia, healing and our understanding of the nature of consciousness.

James Oschman

Teacher, Researcher and Writer

Dr. Oschman has degrees in Biophysics and Biology from the University of Pittsburgh and has worked in major research labs around the world. To learn about the theories and practices underlying complementary methods, Jim has both taught and attended classes at various schools around the world, and experienced a wide range of bodywork techniques. Read more…
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