Bowen and Meridians – The Element Wood
This series of three one-hour lessons will give you:
an introduction to the very effective combination of Bowen moves with acupuncture points, meridians, the inner organs and their properties
instructions on how to perform Bowen moves on acupuncture points and control the dosage of stimulation
an overview of the phase „wood“ from the five phase theory (ancient oriental medicine) and its properties. The focus will be mostly on the „yin organ“ and „yang organ“of that phase: liver and gallbladder
an overview of acupuncture points to be stimulated which support the function of the liver and gallbladder meridians. Furthermore how to perform a so called „root treatment“ and the benefits of this aspect
instructions on how to develop a treatment strategy for the „typical“ pathologies, which occur when the Qi of those meridians is blocked, such as migraine, eye diseases, tinnitus, ear and hearing problems, digestive problems and more…


A brief introduction to the five phase theory from ancient Asian medicine followed by a detailed explanation of the phase „wood“, its properties and its connection to the „yin organ“ and the „yang organ“ – the liver and gallbladder. Both meridian pathways are covered.
Bowen Moves on acupuncture points
Demonstration of how to perform a Bowen move on an acupuncture point, how to determine the direction of the move and how to control dosage and intensity of the stimulation. With graphics and demonstration.

Treatment sequence with demonstration
Treatment of the different acupuncture points which address and support the Qi of the liver and gallbladder and the related meridians. The points are be shown and defined first anatomically with the help of graphics followed by demonstrations on the body.
Watch Course Introduction

Amichay Saller-Fischbach is a certified naturopath with qualifications in TCM, Japanese Acupuncture and Japanese Meridian Therapy as well as a certified Bowen practitioner at the European Bowen Academy.
In this course, Amichay introduces you to his unique approach of working with Bowen moves and acupuncture points and provides you with the necessary background information as well as practical demonstrations to start applying this method in your practice.</
If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact us.