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Live Clinic Experience – Workshop 2

In this workshop, Jeffrey treats Jonathan. Johnathan is a man in his early forties. He was born with unilateral hip dysplasia. A stabilizing surgery was performed in childhood, which eliminated the dislocations but left the hip with reduced mobility and residual pain. Later he developed Legg-Calve-Perthes disease which is lack of blood supply to the …

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Facial Signs and Nail Analysis

Facial and nail signs for possible dysfunction represent clear indicators for possibly required referral to a medical practitioner. In this last class, we practise assessments in the group and evaluate our chosen Bowen procedures based on post-treatment re-assessment. Please click the image above to view the video. Download audio

Heart-Brain Ignition

The Tree Top and its Centre, the Heart and Blood We now continue to the centre of the tree, the heart and blood. Special focus is placed on moving the wind element away from the heart to activate the spiritual chi in the posterior heart fields of the embryonic heart. The third ventricle is taught …

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Umbilical Ignition

The Tree, its Roots and Secondary Branches This second course session covers the interface between the abdomen-pelvis and the pelvis-legs. Special consideration is given to the carotid and vertebral branches. Lesson Handouts Metabolic Protocol 2 Download handout Multivagal System Graphic Download handout Please click the image above to view the video.

Lung Ignition

The Tree, its Trunk, Primary Branches and Leaves In this lesson, we begin with the interface between the fluid body and the vascular tree. Distinctions is made between the imperfect fluid body and the perfect fluid body of the Tide. Of special importance is be the aorta, descending aorta and abdominal aorta. The subclavian artery …

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