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Musculature of the Jaw and its Effect upon Skull Bone and Tectal Movements

This lesson focuses on images of the jaw muscles and skull from a variety of perspectives to give a clear representation of the synergistic vectors of their relationships and their movement. The musculature involved is that of the facial muscles, the temporals, masseters, and pterygoids, Download audio

Common Prevention and Treatments of Pelvic Floor Disorders

General standards and guidelines before, during and after treatment Risks, cautions and contraindications in myofascial trigger point treatment Hands-on assessments to locate the myofascial trigger point Therapeutic interventions to effectively treat myofascial trigger points Download audio

The Guiding Questions

In the final course session we use two questions that guide practice — What does my nervous system need in this moment to be anchored in regulation? What does my client’s nervous system need in this moment? — to look at the ebb and flow of connection in a session. We engage in practices that …

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The Essential Ingredients

This second course unit will explore the ventral vagal state as the necessary element for connection and co-regulation. We will discuss how to find the right degree of challenge to shape the nervous system toward regulation and connection, practice ways to anchor in ventral vagus and use the pathways of the social engagement system to …

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The Safety/Danger Equation

In this first session, we will explore the embodied, environmental, and relational pathways of neuroception. Using the safety/danger equation we will identify cues of safety and danger and discuss ways to re-balance the equation to create the conditions that support practitioner-client connection.   Download handout Download audio

Complementary Migraine Treatments

Complementary and alternative treatments for migraine including TCM, manual therapy, supplements, and even psychedelics Download audio

Conventional Migraine Treatments

Targeted pathways, risks, benefits and limitations of current conventional migraine treatments Future health risks for those who deal with migraines Download audio

Different Types of Migraine

The anatomy and physiology of what is happening in migraine The different mechanisms and types of migraine Who is at risk? Download audio

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