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Central Sensitisation and Control of Perpetuating Factors

Pain is a liar The ten key aspects to symptom management Initiating, aggravating, and perpetuating factors A few words about dietary influences Locating and treating myofascial trigger points – “X” does not mark the spot Download audio

Science and Research – Theory Concerning the Genesis of Myofascial Trigger Points

Contraction: Pulling it all together – A new hypothesis concerning the pathophysiology and aetiology of myofascial trigger points Tensegrity What it is and why it matters Biotensegrity Living tensegrity Organic tensegrity Biotensegrity and myofascial pain – Why and where it hurts Ruling out visceral pain Download audio

Standing Vertical

Relatively recent in the timescale of evolution, around 7 million years ago, this radical shift in body position and locomotion, creates a great change in the body’s organisation and orientation in gravity. Bipedalism brings new adaptation to the spine and re-organisation of the vertical and horizontal relationships with the world around us. In this concluding …

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Our Spiral Limbs

For land-based movement, the contact force through the limbs & an animal’s relationship to gravity, has shaped the anatomy of the hands, feet & the structural support system of the limb. We explore how touch may once have been a dominant sense, the shifts of limb position through evolution (which is echoed in embryology) & …

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Evolution of the Spine

The spine, the mid-line, is of key structural importance to our body and how we move. We will be journeying from its formation in the early oceans & the beginning of vertebrates, through the layers of adaptation which arise with migration onto land and the later stages of mammalian quadrupedal movement. Experiential exercises slowly guide …

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Using Touch and Embodiment to Help Heal Trauma

What is Trauma? Anything that overwhelms our resources We can get stuck in protective reflexes Losing Contact ‘Dissociation is the essence of trauma’ Absent, numb bodies Negotiating contact There is a ‘touch taboo’ in talking therapies When touch is terrifying Simple principles to support embodiment Using touch safely Downloadable handout Download audio

The Power of Touch

The power of touch Babies need touch to thrive Old people fare worse without touch Touch is the sense we rely on most for reality Interoception, touching inwards and touching outwards How touch works Interoception is fundamental to our sense of self Limits of touch Physical therapy does not work in the way we have …

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What is Embodiment?

Mind body unity Definitions of embodiment Why movement and spatial thinking is so important to consciousness Embodied Cognition and Enactivism Recent, exciting models from philosophy ‘A lived body that is inseparable from the world’ Challenges to embodiment Not all yoga and meditation practices point to the body Non-duality and transpersonal self (‘Self’) models can encourage …

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Musculature of the Neck and its Effects upon the Free Gliding of the Upper Neck Dura

In this lesson, the focus lies on images of the neck muscles and cervical column from a variety of perspectives to show the synergistic vectors of their interrelated movement. The musculature involved includes the many layers of neck muscles from the surface trapezius to the deepest sub-occipital triangle and the rotatories at the vertebral level …

Musculature of the Neck and its Effects upon the Free Gliding of the Upper Neck Dura Read More »

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