eHealth Learning

Heartfelt conversations with holistically oriented manual therapy teachers and mindful experts in related fields.

We explore advanced techniques and new modalities and bring together wisdom from around the globe.

See our live and recorded podcasts below.

Thursday, 12 September 2024 at 18h UK Time 
with Molly Clifford, John Wilks and Nat Lang

Adverse Childhood Experiences And Their Impact On Lifelong Health

Adverse childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood between the ages of 0-17 years. They can have a tremendous impact on future health and opportunity. ACEs are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness and substance use in adolescence and adulthood. However, ACEs can be prevented.

In this podcast Natalie and John will be joined By Molly Clifford a family therapeutic support worker, who works through a trauma informed lens. They will discuss and unravel the potential damage and impact that can be caused by Adverse childhood experiences in adult life, and how though support, education and understanding ACEs can be prevented.

Tuesday, 24 September 2024 at 18h Uk Time
with Andrew Cook and John Wilks

Cultural Myths And Drivers That Create Endemic Trauma

Building on the first talk with Andrew (9th April: Attention to Sensory Perception), this talk will cover:

The use and abuse of Gestalts – small automatic “programs” that sit on the very broad, many-hued edge between the voluntary and automatic/autonomic (conscious and non-conscious).

In this talk Andrew will explain the mythologising of how the sensory system works, how the brain works, what is “normal”, and the disconnection from the living body and the living world create a perfect storm in which a muntjac, vole or blackbird in your garden is able to recover rapidly from overwhelm, but most humans cannot. Resulting in endemic low (and high)-level PTSD in Western cultures.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024 at 18h UK time
with Joanna Watters and Natalie Lang

Using The Rumi Poem “The Guest House” As A Tool For Active Presence

This poem offers the metaphor that living a human life is like running a guest house. Where thoughts, feelings and sensations arise, just as guests might show up. In this human body mind, The Guest House, sometimes unexpected guests you’d rather hadn’t turned up arrive – a “dark thought”, “a depression”.

In the metaphor our consciousness is likened to the host of the guest house, welcoming all experiences, and letting them be felt in the body, like the host welcomes all the guests and invites them in.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024 at 18h UK time
with Martin Jones and Natalie Lang

Holographic Breathing

Holographic Breathing represents an innovative healing breath work technique. This practice aims to activate deep-seated cellular memories, thereby fostering a state of holistic well-being and enhanced physiological function.

The practice often leads to a reawakening process, wherein we can tap into intrinsic patterns and knowledge encoded within our cellular structures. This reconnection facilitates a profound sense of vitality and alignment, reminiscent of innate biological rhythms and processes.

Join Nat and Martin to learn more about this innovative technique

Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at 18h UK time
with Andrew Cook and John Wilks

Walking Lightly

A few thoughts on biomechanics: We evolved a balanced upright posture as hunter-gatherers who ran down and exhausted game animals, in a form of hunting still employed by a few San bushmen in the Kalahari.

An unnatural sense of heaviness in the body is a common experience in Western cultures. This heaviness is not normal in the animal kingdom, and there is a cultural mistake learned early in life that the heels are the proper contact point for motion.

In this talk Andrew will show how the whole musculoskeletal system is NOT well evolved to use the heels, and will give some practical demonstrations of how to re-discover a sense of physical lightness.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 18h UK time
with Natalie Lang and John Wilks

Welcoming In 2025

In this informal discussion, John Wilks and Nat Lang will look back at the highlights from 2024 and look forward to the offerings on eHealth Learning for 2025.

Over the last year we have broadened our horizons, looking at wider influences on health and well-being and how we can harness the healing power of nature to bring a richer understanding and depth to our own practice.

We want to continue this journey into 2025 and beyond and would really welcome your input into the direction we are taking by opening up a discussion around potential topics and speakers we could invite onto our platform.


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Your Hosts

John Wilks

Natalie Lang

Recorded Podcasts

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Pelvic Health And How To Support It

with Beth Harrison

If you or your clients experience issues with pelvic floor, prolapse or bladder control, this frank and open discussion with Beth Harrison about pelvic health and wellbeing, breaks down any taboos or shameful walls of resistance that stop us from seeking the help we need.

Beth is a Clinical Lead in Pelvic Health Physio Therapy for the NHS. In this discussion Beth and Natalie explore life experiences that can impact the pelvic region, as we age and talk about advice on how to improve outcomes.

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How To Thrive In Times Of Crisis

with Charles Ridley

In this podcast discussion, Charles Ridley and John Wilks examine how we can build up resilience and maintain our centre in these changing times.

What can we do to become strong enough to bear the current and future levels of intensity? How can we educate ourselves and others so that we can walk in strength during these challenging times? 

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Body, Mind And Spirit: Are They One?

with John Wilks

The basic principles of hands-on work are universal and can be experienced directly in terms of how intention and holding a safe space can instigate deep healing and invite a sense of wholeness where body, mind and spirit exist in total harmony.

In this talk, John Wilks will lead us in a somatic exploration of our own bodies, to discover these universal and ancient principles behind hands-on healing.

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Using Discernment And Curiosity In Yoga Practice

with Maxine Matthews

In this talk Maxine discusses with Natalie why Yoga classes should be more about direct experience rather than intellectual learning, and not just being allowed to slip into simply exercise or performance.

Focusing our awareness, moment to moment, on clear simple movements, can bring about a deep sense of calm as we each attend to what is needed. Keeping our Yoga practice both relevant and enjoyable.

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Shamanic Practice And Plant Spirit Energies

with Lorraine Chamberlain

In this talk Natalie explores with Lorraine all forms of Shamanic healing. They discuss methods that restore and balance harmony within a person, bringing a sense of reconnection to one’s self and promoting the bodies regenerative self-healing ability to return to a place of wholeness.

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The Moon And It’s Influences On Us

with Monika Anna

In this talk, Natalie explores with Monika the Moon’s profound connection to the soul. Monika delves into lunar phases, zodiac connections, the realm of archetypes and cosmic cycles and their symbolic significance in shaping our spiritual path. 

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The ‘Neutral’ In Craniosacral Practice

with Charles Ridley

In this talk, Charles and John explore the origins and meaning of the term ‘neutral’ and following on from their previous podcast interview, will investigate more deeply the neutral as the fulcrum to a bodily-realised sense of Wholeness.

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The Poetic Body

with Hayley Matthews

In this talk Natalie explores with Hayley ‘The poetic body’. Touching closely on how Hayley interprets its hidden function. They will take a deep dive, discovering the potential of this embodied presence, in dance, movement, space, and in our lives.

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Attention To Sensory Perception

with Andrew Cook

In this talk Andrew Cook, long time Craniosacral therapist and teacher, discusses with Nat the way that attention drives your whole being, and orients the physiology and nervous system of every living organism. Exploring the way attention works and how  it can be simply and practically applied to regulate the nervous system.

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Concussion And Head Trauma

with Ian Wright

In this talk Ian discusses with John the difficult and important subject of Concussion, traumatic brain injury and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/Post concussive syndromes and  possible treatments, specifically Cranial Osteopathy which may prove important in future management of the conditions.

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Who Is Really In Charge Of Our Health

with Dr David Martin

In this talk David discusses with John constructive solutions for the 120 year assault on Human Rights and civil liberty at the altar of “public health”.  This is a vital topic and one that aims to encourage us to find our voice in the WEF/WHO agenda this spring

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Fascia-The Threshold of the Spirit?

with Deborah Willimott

In this talk Natalie discusses with Deborah her experience of Fascia work. How to bring balance and potential in the body, with emphasis on the unknown.

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What’s Going On At The WHO?

with James Roguski

In this Podcast James discusses with John the various amendments to the health regulations which are happening right now at the WHO. These changes will impact us as health care providers but also as private individuals.

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Dynamic Stillness

with Charles Ridley 

The term Dynamic Stillness is used in various ways in Craniosacral Therapy.  In this podcast Charles and John look at the origins and meaning of the term and how it might be accessed within a treatment.

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Presence in Silence

with Elina Grosso and Simon Hausner

In this podcast Elina Grosso and Simon Hausner discuss with John Wilks the Presence in Stillness techniques. Exploring the basic approach of being present.


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Fascia, Emotion and the Autonomic Nervous System

with Carol Davis

In this podcast, Prof Carol Davis and John Wilks discuss their individual approaches to working with this.

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Chinese Medicine and Ehlers Danlos

with Dr Paula Bruno

Referencing Dr Bruno’s recent book on this subject, in this podcast, Greer and Dr Bruno discuss strategies for treatment for this ever-growing patient population.

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What is the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Amendments to the International Health Regulations?

with James Roguski

In this podcast, John Wilks interviews James Roguski, a researcher, author, natural health proponent and an activist.

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Chinese Medicine and Ehlers Danlos

with Dr Paula Bruno

Referencing Dr Bruno’s recent book on this subject, in this podcast, Greer and Dr Bruno discuss strategies for treatment for this ever-growing patient population.

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Approaches to Assessment

with Jeffrey Burch

Referencing Jeff’s recent book on this subject, in this podcast, Jeff and John discuss various approaches and the benefits and disadvantages of focusing on one particular approach to assessment.

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Chinese Medicine and Ehlers Danlos

with Dr Paula Bruno

Referencing Dr Bruno’s recent book on this subject, in this podcast, Greer and Dr Bruno discuss strategies for treatment for this ever-growing patient population.

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